
Ff12 Loot You Shouldn T Sell

Non to exist confused with Muthru Bazaar, a section of Rabanastre where the Association Provisioner is located.

The Bazaar.

The more loot yous sell, the more than bazaar appurtenances you're like to come across. Boutique appurtenances tin be annihilation from sets of items at discounted prices to rare pieces of equipment you won't see anywhere else, kupo.

Wise Moogle

The Bazaar is a special shop card in Final Fantasy XII. Whenever a histrion sells enough quantities of sure boodle, new items volition go available. The bazaar can exist accessed from whatsoever shop, and all particular quantities sold are carried over to every shop. Some of the ultimate weapons can only be obtained here.

In the Zodiac versions, sectional weapons supersede many of the best-of-their-type weapons obtainable from the boutique. For example: selling the boodle necessary for Orochi in the original volition produce the Mesa in Zodiac versions. Some of the items unlocked through the bazaar in the Zodiac versions are likewise dissimilar in ingredients, amount, content and cost (see hither).

Sage Noesis [ ]

Loot from monsters and the similar are crafted into articles fit for sale. Some of these are little more than refinements on the base materials. Others crave crystals, concoctions, and alchemy to produce. Few crave too much skill or effort, though, making crafted articles a mutual sight at marketplace, their quality, if not quite their appearance, being hardly distinguishable from that of regularly produced appurtenances. If 1 is lucky, one might find some manufactures selling for beneath the going charge per unit.

Bazaar Goods

How the Bazaar works [ ]

For case, to get the Canopic Jar, the actor will need to sell 3 specific items. The items tin can be sold at any shop, and do not need to be sold at the same time. It is good to comport in mind though that common ingredients might become used by a different recipe, non the detail 1 the player is after.

To be 100% certain that the detail needed is obtained, the player volition have to sell just the detail ingredients for that item, all at one time in i single sell session, and so exit the sell menu to go the particular. The thespian may sell the ingredients at whatever time, every bit the game will recollect the items sold, and in which quantity.

The player must first sell at a store the following:

  1. Phobos Glaze x1
  2. Horakhty's Flame x1
  3. Deimos Clay x1

The role player must then leave the sell carte du jour and the new item will appear in the boutique: the Morbid Urn at 250,000 gil, which is revealed to be the Canopic Jar when the player buys it.

Bazaar glitch [ ]


Concluding Fantasy XII Zodiac Age-Bazaar trick(Tournesol,Kumbha,Stoneblade,Magepower Shishak,Maximillian)

Using the bazaar glitch to the thespian'southward advantage.

When items are sold at the Bazaar, the game remembers how many items have been sold at whatsoever bespeak of the game. While the ingredients can exist sold at any time, when whatsoever item is purchased at the Bazaar using a certain ingredient, the number of ingredients in stock drops to nothing. Therefore, if there are two items that both apply, for example, 2 Os Fragments to make, and the player has sold six Bone Fragments to the Bazaar when one of the items is purchased, the number of Bone Fragments in the Bazaar's "memory" drops to zippo, meaning the player will demand to farm more Os Fragments for the second item requiring that ingredient.

This glitch, even so, also works the other mode around to the thespian'southward advantage, considering if both items become bachelor before either is purchased, the thespian only needs the 2 Os Fragments that tin can be used for both items, so instead of needing four (two for each item), one would merely need two (2 is used for both items simultaneously). With this play a joke on, the player can potentially use the same Loftier Arcana to create items for the Tournesol, and make Tournesol and Kumbha at the aforementioned fourth dimension using the same Gemsteels.

Original Final Fantasy XII [ ]

This is a listing of every bazaar good in the original version of Final Fantasy XII. See a listing for Zodiac versions beneath.

Once an item has been bought, the ingredient quantity for that item is reduced to 0. Some boutique goods are available as normal store items at different prices. The differences in cost are listed in the rightmost cavalcade of the tables.

Swords [ ]

Particular Contents Ingredients Amount Toll Difference
Iron-forged Blade Iron Sword Iron Scraps 3 1,080 gil -120 gil
Foul Flesh 2
Earth Stone 3
An iron bract of common, even clumsy, pattern, it is even so well regarded by many a warrior for its uncommon durability.
Cherry Bract Blood Sword Solid Stone two iv,500 gil -500 gil
Glass Gem 2
Dark Rock 5
The blade of this sword is said to beverage the blood of foes, growing ever deeper in hue equally it slakes its thirst. A dread blade.
Burning Blade Flametongue Lumber 2 4,680 gil -520 gil
Malboro Vine 2
Burn down Stone half-dozen
Fierce flames dance the length of this blade, searing the flesh of its mark even every bit it cuts. A mighty weapon.
Warped Blade Diamond Sword Packet of Feathers 6 11,250 gil -1,250 gil
Maggoty Flesh iv
Fire Magicite 6
And then strong is the substance of this blade, the warp in its edge could not be mended. Sold as is.
The Leering Blade Deathbringer Solid Horn 4 fourteen,800 gil -1,200 gil
Demon Tail vii
Dark Crystal 10
A demon has been carved into the trunk of this sword. The frozen leer of its jaw forms a cruel, cutting blade.
Darksteel Blade Stoneblade Orichalcum ii 17,800 gil N/A
Chimera Head 2
Taurus Gem iii
A cruel blade forged for battle, its very shape a violence.
Well-forged Blade Durandal Lifewick iii 21,600 gil Northward/A
Emperor Scale two
Leshach Halcyon ane
Replica of a great sword of legend. It lacks the vivid coloring of the original, but is elsewise its lucifer.

Greatswords [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Price Deviation
Attenuated Greatsword Relieve the Queen Quality Stone 4 fourteen,000 gil -1,500 gil
Sky Gem vii
Holy Crystal ten
Long and narrow, this greatsword is adorned with a crest marking its bearer as a knight.
Ultimate Blade Ultima Bract Adamantite ii 22,800 gil N/A
Expiry Powder two
Gnoma Halcyon i
A layered-disc pattern runs the length of this magnificent bract. Its power is legendary, a single blow laying low all but the nearly resolute adversary.
The Sunflower Tournesol Gemsteel 3 600,000 gil N/A
Empyreal Soul iii
Serpentarius 3
A single, cute sunflower. Brilliant as the lord's day, wondrous as cosmos.
Dragon Crest Wyrmhero Blade Omega Badge ane 65,535 gil Northward/A
Godslayer's Badge 1
Lu Shang's Badge 1
A replica of legendary bract said to have slain a brutal wyrm that long ago preyed upon the eastern kingdoms. With a sword such every bit this, one might write new legends!

Note: The Wyrmhero Blade counts equally a key detail.

Katana [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Cost Difference
Samurai'south Katana Ame-no-Murakumo Iron Ore 5 13,800 gil -1,200 gil
Screamroot 7
Water Crystal 9
Fashioned after a legendary blade made from the tail of a dragon. Called the Great Scythe in the eastern kingdoms, it is said to have reaped entire fields in a single swing.
Master-crafted Blade Masamune Gemsteel 2 350,000 gil N/A
Orichalcum 3
Mallet 2
A red zigzag pattern runs the length of the blade, weaving its way across frail inlay.

Ninja Swords [ ]

Detail Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Difference
Jag-tooth Ninja Sword Kagenui Giant Feather v 9,000 gil -ane,000 gil
Festering Mankind 4
Dark Magicite five
With a serrated blade, this is a most unusual ninja sword. It is idea that this choice of design may have been made with the intent of further opening any wounds inflicted.
Serpent Blade Orochi Coeurl Whisker 2 15,200 gil N/A
Sickle-Blade 2
Cancer Gem 3
This sword'south bract resembles an snake tongue, ornately wrought.

Spears [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Cost Difference
Light Spear Javelin Horn 2 1,260 gil -140 gil
Foul Flesh 2
Wind Stone iii
Spear tipped with a flattened blade. Designed importantly for ceremonious, rather than martial, purposes, its armor piercing capabilities have been left somewhat wanting.
Forked Spear Trident Pointed Horn 4 11,250 gil -1,250 gil
Maggoty Flesh 5
Wind Magicite half dozen
An unusual three-pronged spear, much resembling a common fork.
Engraved Spear Gungnir Ketu Lath 2 15,300 gil -1,700 gil
Broken Spear 2
Mystletainn two
The spear head bears an ancient magicked seal, the words "Consigned to the Flame" etched therein. Only those of utmost proficiency with the spear may wield it.

Poles [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Difference
Wooden Pole Cypress Pole Bone Fragment 5 one,800 gil -200 gil
Succulent Fruit 3
Earth Rock four
One (1) pole, carved from a fine-grain wood highly prized in the eastern kingdoms. It has been reinforced in places with strips of metal for added forcefulness.
Iron-forged Pole Iron Pole Sturdy Bone five 4,780 gil -520 gil
Demon Eyeball 3
Fire Magicite 4
Simple pole made of iron. Its end is stained with dried blood.
Elegant Pole Ivory Pole Blood-darkened Bone eight 12,150 gil -1,350 gil
Demon Feather half-dozen
Wind Crystal 7
A walking staff of the sort you might expect a dignitary or loftier-ranking official to carry. Excellent craftsmanship.
Whisker of the Fauna Whale Whisker Mythril three 60,000 gil N/A
Corpse Fly 3
Aquarius Gem iv
Spear-similar in advent, this pole takes its name from what many consider the greatest beast to dwell in the deeps.

Bows and Arrows [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Cost Difference
Bow & Bodkin Parallel Arrows, Shortbow Bat Fang i 600 gil Due north/A
Rat Pelt two
Night Rock two
Contains one (1) Shortbow, easily fatigued, and one (i) quiver of finely honed arrows.
Arrows Alight Fiery Arrows, Longbow Crooked Fang 2 iii,800 gil Due north/A
Fire Stone iv
Contains one (ane) quiver of arrows, each with an oil-soaked cloth wrapped virtually its bespeak, and one (one) longbow.
Hollow-shaft Arrows Bamboo Arrows, Loxley Bow Bat Fang 5 vi,280 gil North/A
Yellowish Liquid ane
H2o Magicite 3
Contains one (one) Loxley bow, and one (1) quiver of hollow-shaft arrows. The hollows of the arrows are fitted with sacs of toxicant.
Permafrost Bow & Quiver Icecloud Arrows, Perseus Bow Spiral Incisor four 17,200 gil N/A
Antarctic Wind 2
Ice Crystal 7
Contains ane (1) quiver of arrows, made of packed permafrost, and one (1) bow of surpassing quality, said to have been carried past a slap-up hero of antiquity.
Arrows of the Moon Goddess Artemis Arrows Vampyr Fang 2 15,000 gil N/A
Dorsal Fin 2
Gemini Jewel 3
Filled with the grace of the moon goddess, the shaft emits a numinous glow.
Bow of the Moon Goddess Artemis Bow Bang-up Serpent'southward Fang 2 xv,800 gil N/A
Moondust 2
Sylphi Halcyon 1
Filled with the grace of the moon goddess, the body emits a numinous glow.
Silver Bow Sagittarius Beastlord Horn 3 60,000 gil North/A
Moon Ring 3
Sagittarius Gem 4
Crafted of a beautiful silver metal and adorned with thorns of deep magenta. The handle is affixed with a small shield.

Crossbows and Bolts [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Cost Departure
Ranger'southward Crossbow Long Bolts, Crossbow Crooked Fang iv half-dozen,480 gil N/A
Yellow Liquid two
Water ice Rock i
Contains one (one) crossbow and one (ane) quiver of bolts, cut long. A favorite weapon of the ranger.
Huntsman'southward Crossbow Stone Bolts, Recurve Crossbow Packet of Needles 1 9,980 gil N/A
Festering Mankind ii
Ice Magicite five
Contains one (one) recurve crossbow and i (i) quiver of needle-thin bolts. The calorie-free materials used in the weapon's construction brand it a hunter'due south favorite.
Blindflight Quarrels Black Bolts, Hunting Crossbow Screw Incisor 3 xi,220 gil N/A
Silvery Liquid 3
Dark Crystal iii
These bolts are actually tightly rolled scrolls, a spell of dark magicks inscribed on the vellum. Quite valuable. With included crossbow, it makes for a great bargain.
Lookout's Crossbow Time Bolts, Penetrator Crossbow Wyvern Fang 4 17,800 gil N/A
Ancient Os 3
Holy Crystal 9
Contains ane (1) quiver of enchanted bolts, and i (1) crossbow. Scouts of groovy skill are known to favor such as these.
Piercing Bolts Grand Bolts Wrath of the Gods ii 15,000 gil North/A
Ring Wyrm Liver 2
Capricorn Gem 3
The finest bolts coin tin can buy. Loosed, they resemble the javelins of the heroes of antiquity, hurtling straight and true toward their marker.

Guns and Shot [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Difference
Marksman's Delight Silent Shot, Capella Fish Scale 2 1,680 gil N/A
Greenish Liquid two
Dark Rock iii
Contains one (1) Capella, a marksman's rifle, and one (1) pouch of a special shot imbued with silencing magicks.
Rain of Tears Aqua Shot, Vega Yensa Calibration one two,980 gil N/A
Dark-green Liquid three
Water Rock 4
Contains i (one) Vega, and one (i) pouch of water shot, which acquit a striking semblance to tears. Equally every bit useful against those fiery beasties every bit you'd hope!
Mudslinger Mud Shot & Aldebaran Ichthon Scale 4 nine,080 gil Northward/A
Silver Liquid 3
Earth Crystal 3
Contains 1 (ane) firearm and one (one) pouch of shot, made from hardened mud. The intent, of course, beingness to cover one's foes in mud, rendering them blind. And muddy.
Armor-piercing Shot Windslicer Shot, Spica Ring Wyrm Scale 4 15,200 gil Due north/A
Silverish Liquid 5
Wind Crystal vii
Contains ane (1) Spica state of war gun, and one (1) pouch of shot, sometimes known as "wind shot", that gathers air behind it in a cone as information technology flies for an impact that can pierce rock.
Late-model Rifle Arcturus Wyvern Fly 2 19,800 gil N/A
Yensa Fin 2
Salamand Halcyon ane
Tardily-model, long bore hunting rifle. Wide body, narrow cage.
Rock Shot Stone Shot Mirror Scale two 15,000 gil North/A
Tyrant Bone two
Libra Gem 3
Contains 1 (1) pouch of stone shot. This shot could easily laissez passer for some sort of petrified egg.

Axes and Hammers [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Cost Difference
War Axe Francisca Pointed Horn two 10,350 gil -ane,150 gil
Malboro Fruit 4
Wind Magicite 6
In antiquity this modest axe was primarily used as a throwing weapon.
Gilt Boxing Axe Golden Axe Electrum 2 16,200 gil ane,800 gil
Cleaved Greataxe 2
Mardu Halcyon 1
Exquisite boxing axe that shines golden in the light. He who would wield information technology must be well skilled to accord such craftsmanship.
The Scorpion Scorpion Tail Charged Gizzard 3 60,000 gil North/A
Wyrm Bone iii
Scorpio Gem 4
Hammer made in imitation of a behemothic scorpion tail. Capable of inflicting devastating damage.

Daggers [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Toll Difference
Double-bladed Pocketknife Zwill Crossblade Windslicer Pinion five xiii,800 gil -one,200 gil
Malboro Flower 7
Air current Crystal nine
Dagger with two blades that cross as they taper to a point.

Staves [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Difference
Mystic Staff Deject Staff Quality Lumber 4 7,200 gil -800 gil
Demon Feather vi
Storm Crystal 7
Rings adorn the tip of this staff. They say that past peering through the rings 1 may catch a glimpse of a greater truth.

Manus-bombs and Bombs [ ]

Detail Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Departure
H2o-drop Munitions H2o Bombs Book of Orgain 3 7,800 gil N/A
Putrid Liquid 3
Water Crystal x
Palm-sized orbs containing a magicked water.
Noisome Incendiaries Fumarole, Poison Bombs Flop Shell 1 nine,800 gil N/A
Fire Crystal iii
Contains one (one) incendiary device and one (1) pouch of poison-spewing bombs. Poison volume regulated by mandate.
Oil-Soaked Incendiaries Tumulus, Oil Bombs Bomb Ashes 3 10,625 gil N/A
Volume of Orgain 2
Fire Crystal 3
Contains i (1) incendiary device, the Tumulus, and one (1) pouch of bombs. The bombs contain a fortified blasting glycerin, and are themselves wrapped in a flammable textile.
Devastating Incendiaries Castellanos Bomb Fragment 3 12,000 gil N/A
Frog Oil 2
Aries Gem three
Incendiary device of destructive force beyond measure. A savage spirit is rumored to dwell deep inside.
Befuddling Incendiaries Caldera, Anarchy Bombs Bomb Shell 4 17,800 gil N/A
Book of Orgain-Cent 3
Burn down Crystal vii
Contains one (ane) incendiary device and one (1) pouch of bombs. Rumored to be used by the Archadian aristocracy guard to run up chaos among enemy ranks; a tactic of fell efficiency.

Light Armor [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Deviation
Unassuming Surcoat Chromed Leathers Wolf Pelt 2 180 gil -20 gil
Earth Rock one
Elementary surcoat, stitched from choice pieces of leather.
Assorted Leathers Leather Breastplate, Leather Headgear Wolf Pelt two 680 gil -120 gil
Tanned Hide one
Nighttime Stone 2
Matching pair of leather goods, guaranteeing comfort both in the bazaar and on the battleground.
Matching Reds Red Cap, Brigandine Coeurl Pelt 3 4,280 gil -720 gil
Quality Hibernate 2
Dark Magicite 3
Crimson cap and matching armor. The color softens and grows richer with wear.
Monk's Garb Headband, Jujitsu Gi Coeurl Pelt 4 5,480 gil -920 gil
Tyrant Hide 2
Water ice Magicite 4
These pieces are said to wait for one whose middle burns with a worthy flame. They have seen service in battle, and surely smell the part.
Light & Sturdy Garb Adamant Hat, Adamant Belong Coeurl Pelt half-dozen ix,800 gil -two,000 gil
Tanned Tyrant Hibernate 2
Tempest Magicite 5
Helm and armor fashioned afterward a chelonian vanquish. The pieces exhale well, making them platonic for wear in tropical climes.
Emboldening Arms Chakra Ring, Power Vest Quality Pelt half dozen 13,780 gil 2,420 gil
Tanned Giantskin 4
Fire Crystal 3
Used to perform certain sacred rites in the eastern kingdoms. The wearers of these garments are said to experience a great surge of strength.
Gigas Gear Gigas Hat, Gigas Chestplate Prime Pelt eight 17,800 gil 3,600 gil
Prime Tanned Hide 7
Dark Crystal vii
Not only for show, these pieces are, equally any warrior worth his codpiece will adjure, highly prized on the battlefield.
Nature's Armory Crown of Laurels, Safety Accommodate Prime Pelt nine 24,650 gil 4,350 gil
Forbidden Mankind seven
Burn Crystal 8
Clothing and crown made of twig and leaf. Steel'south cold comprehend is as nothing before the splendor of nature's bounty.

Heavy Armor and Shields [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Price Deviation
Gilt Shield Escutcheon Molting 1 270 gil -thirty gil
Fire Stone ane
Shield of forest, trimmed in gold leaf. A splendid choice for those new to the fine art of swordplay.
Aureate Garb Gold Helm, Gilt Armor, Golden Shield Iron Carapace 3 6,780 gil -1,720 gil
Tanned Hibernate ii
Dark Magicite three
This 3 (3) slice set includes an ornate chest plate, shield, and helm, seemingly wrought of pure aureate.
Glassy Protectives Burgonet, Shielded Armor, Ice Shield Wyrm Carapace 2 viii,400 gil -2,100 gil
Quality Hide two
Earth Magicite iv
Heavy pieces of armor polished to a mirror terminate and suffused with stiff magicks, affording additional protection beyond the physical.
Forbidding Shield Demon Shield Anile Turtle Shell ii 9,800 gil -i,400 gil
Destrier Barding 8
Leamonde Halcyon 1
A shield fearsome to look upon. The mouth at its center is a portal to the unknown, a great maw that opens wide to potable in the Dark.
Brilliant Shield Venetian Shield Ancient Turtle Shell 2 12,420 gil N/A
Ring Wyrm Liver 2
Undin Halcyon 1
A triumph of function and form. Various metals make up the elaborate ornamentation adorning its face.
Magepower Helm Magepower Shishak Charger Barding 5 12,800 gil -ii,200 gil
Chimera Head 2
Feystone 1
Heavy armor though information technology be, this helm is strongly magicked. A worthy option for those knights who rely upon more than than just the steel of their blades.
Sturdy Battle Gear Maximillian Charger Barding 4 14,800 gil -2,200 gil
Carve up Armor 2
Pisces Gem 3
Armor of the highest quality, crafted past masters of their art, its materials and design advisedly selected to provide surpassing resilience.
Platinum Gear Platinum Captain, Platinum Armor, Platinum Shield Insect Husk 2 19,120 gil -4,780 gil
Tanned Giantskin 5
Tempest Magicite 6
Made using merely the finest materials, this set of platinum gear gleams handsomely in the light.

Mystic Armor [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Departure
Traveler's Garb Feathered Cap, Traveler's Vestment Braid Wool 2 3,280 gil -520 gil
Tanned Hide 2
Water Rock v
Robe and cap ensemble for the traveler on the go. In the linings of each are sewn charms warding confronting misfortune.
Alluring Finery Lamia's Tiara, Enchanter's Habit Fine Wool 3 5,480 gil -920 gil
Tyrant Hibernate ane
Ice Magicite 4
Raiment and tiara of seductive dazzler, lightly scented, every bit if with some sweet flower.
Ninja Garb Black Cowl, Black Garb Fine Wool 4 viii,330 gil -ane,470 gil
Tanned Tyrant Hide 2
Burn Magicite 5
Both pieces of this archetype ninja outfit are entirely black, loose-fitting, and made of a unique fabric that aids movement.
Black Vestments Black Mask, Black Robes Blood Wool 9 22,800 gil -3100 gil
Prime Tanned Hide vii
Dark Crystal 8
Protectives preferred past practitioners of the blackness magick arts.
White Vestments White Mask, White Robes Claret Wool nine 22,800 gil -v,200 gil
Beastlord Hide 7
Holy Crystal viii
Protectives preferred by practitioners of the white magick arts.

Accessories [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Toll Departure
Feathered Boots Winged Boots Arctic Wind 1 450 gil -fifty gil
Broken Sword 1
Small wings adorn this pair of boots.
Shoes of the Expressionless Quasimodo Boots Zombie Powder 1 450 gil -350 gil
Destrier Mane i
Footgear worn past those preparing for their eternal residual. Redolent of death.
Ninja Footgear Gillie Boots Slaven Harness 2 450 gil -250 gil
Originally made to quieten the footfalls of those who serve by being seen and non heard, these shoes presently found a identify among those who serve by being neither seen nor heard.
Black Harness Battle Harness Throat Wolf Claret 1 800 gil -200 gil
When fighting on the floors of coliseums, gladiators were made to wear harnesses such as this to forestall their escape.
Gilt Phylactery Golden Amulet Tattered Garment 1 3,150 gil -1,350 gil
Made of gilt, this amulet imparts a sense of both nobility and wisdom.
Wing Cord Pheasant Netsuke Stardust 2 iii,600 gil -400 gil
Fashioned in the likeness of a pheasant, this is a tremendously pop particular.
Large Gloves Blazer Gloves Aptitude Staff 3 four,500 gil +1,300 gil
These large gloves narrow at the wrist, trapping heat inside.
Blush of Low-cal Firefly Magick Lamp 1 iv,500 gil -500 gil
Tomato Stalk ii
Snowfly ane
This pocket-sized ornament glows softly when worn, emitting a feeble lite.
Brawler'south Fetish Bister Armlet Gimble Stalk 2 5,940 gil -660 gil
Decorative trinket conceived long ago past a pugilist seeking a means to harness his inner force.
Shell-worked Collar Turtleshell Choker Flop Shell 2 viii,370 gil -930 gil
Four-leaf Clover ii
The clasp of this necklace is fashioned from tortoiseshell. For those with discriminating taste.
Exquisite Ring Opal Band Frogspawn 2 14,400 gil -1,600 gil
A large opal is fix at the center of this bejeweled ring.
Chain-link Chugalug Chimera Belt Battlewyrm Carapace 2 17,820 gil -1,900 gil
Adamantite 1
Ornamental belt made by the stringing of chain links one to another. A badge of great strength among those who test their mettle on the field of battle.
Wind Walkers Hermes Sandals Gysahl Greens 33 18,000 gil -two,000 gil
Arcana 15
Intricate magick glyphs adorn the lining of these boots, conveying arcane powers to their wearer.
Cursed Necklace Nihopalaoa Blood-stained Necklace 3 30,000 gil 0 gil
Expiry's-Head 2
Leo Jewel iii
Heirloom of a royal line whose progeny take long since faded into obscurity. All others who don the necklace are said to meet with betrayal.
Comfy Headgear Cat-ear Hood White Incense 2 xxx,000 gil 0 gil
Einherjarium two
Virgo Gem 7
Y'all might exist inclined to pussyfoot nigh in this magicked hood. Would saying information technology granted cracking speed be letting its surreptitious out of the bag? Well? Curious?

Items [ ]

* Available more than once.

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Cost Deviation
Potion Pack Potion x2 Cactus Fruit 2 seventy gil -lxx gil
Contains ii (ii) potions. Sure to exist utilize on your travels!
Tinctures & Tonics Potion x5, Handkerchief x3, Golden Needle x3 Delicious Fruit 4 700 gil -100 gil
This set up should serve well in a compression! A generous supply of potions, handkerchiefs and gilt needles.
Hi-Potion Pack* Hello-Potion x10 Rainbow Egg 1 1,111 gil -989 gil
Contains ten (10) hi-potions. Neither hunter nor adventurer should ever go without!
X-Potion Pack* Ten-Potion x10 Behemoth Steak i 4,444 gil -1,856 gil
Momentous battle on the horizon? Best exist sure of your potion supply earlier charging in. Contains 10 (ten) x-potions.
Potion Crate Potion x30, Hi-Potion x20, Ten-Potion x10 Screamroot iii 7,480 gil -v,120 gil
A must for whatsoever potion connoisseur! Contains several of each variety. Consider your restorative needs when deciding which to drink. And please, drink responsibly.
Flask of Oily Liquid* Ether x1 Unpurified Ether 2 4,000 gil -4 gil
Caramel iii
Sages are said to have taken draughts of this liquid to furnish lost arcane energies.
Flask of Viscous Liquid* Howdy-Ether x1 Unpurified Ether 2 12,000 gil N/A
Foul Liquid 2
Slime Oil one
High sages are said to have taken draughts of this liquid to furnish lost cabalistic energies.
Saint'due south Draught* Elixir x1 Ambrosia iii 36,000 gil Northward/A
Demon Drink iii
High Arcana 1
Legendary draught mixed from waters divine, said to mend all wounds great and minor. Every adventurer should proceed i close to hand.
Esoteric Draught* Megalixir x1 Onion 3 108,000 gil N/A
Rat Tail 3
Loftier Arcana ii
Divine draught oft appearing in tales of fable, said to mend all wounds bully and small. Every adventurer should keep one close to hand.
Antidote Set Antidote x3 Drab Wool 2 100 gil -fifty gil
Take ane of these and express joy in the face up of toxicant! Contains iii (3) antidotes
Eye Drop Set Centre Drops x3 Demon Eyeball ii 100 gil -50 gil
Adventuring is hard on the eyes; care for them correct, lest your aim suffer the consequences! Containing three (3) doses of eye drops, this set is certain to fit the bill.
Smelling Salts, & C. Hi-Potion x4, Smelling Salts x2 Malboro Vine iv 540 gil -400 gil
Venture on neither chase nor quest without this set up of hello-potions and selling salts in your backpack!
Heart Openers Phoenix Downward x5, Alarm Clock x5 Chocobo Feather iv 1,280 gil -220 gil
Trouble waking with just ane alarm clock? Perhaps a set of five (5) will do the trick? Now with matching tufts of phoenix down, at a cost that volition alarm rival retailers!
Survival Set Antitoxin x12, Eye Drops x12, Echo Herbs x12 Malboro Fruit iv ane,500 gil -300 gil
It'south hard to prepare for every eventuality you may encounter in your travels., but this set is a skilful starting time. A healthy supply of antidotes, eye drops and echo herbs!
Phials & Philtres Vaccine x8, Smelling Salts x16 Malboro Bloom 3 1,980 gil -420 gil
Contains vaccines and smelling salts, in good quantity, at a toll not to exist passed past!
Chronos Tear Pack* Chronos Tear x10 Eye of the Militarist 1 333 gil -167 gil
Time waits for no man, why should you wait for time? Contains ten (10) chronos tears
Vaccine Pack* Vaccine x10 Demon'due south Sigh 1 999 gil -one,001 gil
Leaving for foreign climes? Disease can strike any fourth dimension... Best be prepared. Contains ten (x) vaccines.
Tail of the Phoenix Phoenix Downward x2 Small Feather 3 400 gil -100 gil
Should the unthinkable befall your allies, yous'll want this close to mitt. Contains 2 (ii) tufts of phoenix downwardly.
First-aid Kit Phoenix Down x2, Potion x2 Large Feather 3 450 gil -190 gil
Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Kit contains potions and tufts of phoenix downwardly, at a cost no bargain hunter dare laissez passer by.
Triage Kit Phoenix Down x12, Hi-Potion x3 Giant Feather three 2,980 gil -650 gil
Travelers, exist prepared! Contains both hi-potions and tufts of phoenix down, so you tin venture out with confidence.
Fire-bird'due south Whisper* Phoenix Down x10 Jack-o'-Lantern 1 2,222 gil -278 gil
Contains ten (10) tufts of phoenix down. A tried and trusted staple, at home in the haversack of any charlatan
Soul of the Fire-bird Phoenix Down x25 Parcel of Feathers 3 5,980 gil -270 gil
By pop need, nosotros've assembled no fewer than 20-five (25) tufts of phoenix down. Don't let yourself be caught downwardly for the count!
Phoenix Flight Phoenix Down x50 Windslicer Pinion 5 8,750 gil -3,750 gil
Restocked and meliorate than ever! You are not similar to find a lower price on tufts of phoenix down, perennial favorite of adventurers far and wide!
Sipping Wine Bacchus'south Wine x3 Tyrant Hibernate ii 240 gil -120 gil
One eat and you will know why they telephone call them spirits. "Lose yourself in the starting time sip, discover yourself in the 2d."
Magick Shards H2o Mote x4 Festering Flesh 4 1,480 gil N/A
Engravings of water elementals beautify these shards of magicite. The magicks inside are quite stiff.
Magick Shard* Holy Mote x1 Drinking glass Jewel viii 99 gil N/A
Sky Jewel viii
Diakon Halcyon ane
Shard of magicite engraved with a seraph. Strong magicks pulse from within.
Magick Shard* Scathe Mote x1 Volume of Orgain 8 499 gil Northward/A
Book of Orgain-Cent 8
Volume of Orgain-Mille 8
Shard of magicite engraved with a winged serpent. Strong magicks pulse from within.
Burning Fangs Blood-red Fang x5 Pointed Horn i 980 gil N/A
Fangs of a great beast, ever burning. Within each is said to dwell a fire elemental.
Mysterious Substance* Dark Matter x1 Grimoire Togail 3 xiv,999 gil +14,997 gil
Grimoire Aidhed 3
Bat Wing i
Mysterious substance that feeds on nighttime's darkness. Beneath its surface lurk foreboding magicks.
Memories of Yore Pebble x99 Quality Stone 5 999 gil North/A
The world to a kid. The weight of the world to an old man.

Loot [ ]

* Available more than in one case.

Item Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Difference
Life Crystal* Loftier Arcana Arcana 10 ix,999 gil Northward/A
Feystone 1
Soul of Thamasa one
A crystal, filled to inundation with occult magicks. Sublime calorie-free radiates from inside.
Precious stone of Creation* Empyreal Soul Soul Powder one 29,997 gil Due north/A
Wargod's Ring 2
High Arcana 1
An otherworldly light emanates from inside this precious stone. A profound sense of peace comes over all who look upon it.
Jewel of the Snake* Serpentarius Snake Skin 4 19,998 gil Northward/A
Serpent Middle two
Loftier Arcana 1
The surface of this gem writhes with a serpentine pattern. Within, untold magicks sleep.
Matchless Metallic* Gemsteel Scarletite i 29,997 gil Due north/A
Damascus Steel 2
Hell-Gate's Flame 2
Blend of unsurpassed hardness. Cannot be worked with ordinary tools.

Fundamental Items [ ]

Item Contents Ingredients Corporeality Cost Difference
Morbid Urn Canopic Jar Horakhty'south Flame 1 250,000 gil N/A
Phobos Coat i
Deimos Dirt i
It has been said this urn was made to lock away all living souls. Whether true or not, a preternatural morbidity hands about it like a dark vapor.

Zodiac versions [ ]

Some of the items unlocked through the bazaar in the Zodiac versions are different in ingredients, amount, content and cost. Changes have been italicized. * Available more than one time.

Detail Contents Ingredients Amount Cost Divergence
Memories of Yore Pebble x99 Quality Rock 5 999 gil N/A
Sipping Wine Bacchus's Wine x3 Tyrant Hide 2 240 gil -120 gil
Chronos Tear Pack* Chronos Tear x10 Eye of the Hawk 1 333 gil -267 gil
Antidote Set Antidote x3 Drab Wool 2 100 gil -50 gil
Eye Drop Ready Eye Drops x3 Demon Eyeball ii 100 gil -50 gil
Survival Set Antidote x12, Eye Drops x12, Repeat Herbs x12 Malboro Fruit 4 1,500 gil -300 gil
Potion Pack Potion x2 Cactus Fruit 2 70 gil -50 gil
Tinctures & Tonics Potion x5, Handkerchief x3, Gold Needle x3 Succulent Fruit iv 700 gil +10 gil
Hi-Potion Pack* Hi-Potion x10 Rainbow Egg one 1,111 gil -689 gil
Smelling Salts, & C. Hullo-Potion x4, Nu Khai Sand x2 Malboro Vine 4 540 gil -280 gil
Ten-Potion Pack* 10-Potion x10 Behemoth Steak 1 4,444 gil -756 gil
Potion Crate Potion x30, How-do-you-do-Potion x20, X-Potion x10 Screamroot 3 seven,480 gil -three,120 gil
Flask of Oily Liquid* Ether x1 Unpurified Ether ii 4,000 gil +iii,778 gil
Caramel 3
Flask of Gummy Liquid* Howdy-Ether x1 Unpurified Ether 2 12,000 gil +10,890 gil
Foul Liquid 2
Slime Oil 1
Tail of the Phoenix Phoenix Down x2 Minor Feather three 400 gil 0 gil
Starting time-aid Kit Phoenix Down x2, Potion x2 Large Feather 3 450 gil -70 gil
Eye Openers Phoenix Downwardly x5, Prince's Osculation x5 Chocobo Feather 4 1,280 gil +30 gil
Burn down-bird's Whisper* Phoenix Downwards x10 Jack-o'-Lantern 1 2,222 gil +222 gil
Triage Kit Phoenix Downwardly x12, Hi-Potion x3 Behemothic Feather iii 2,980 gil +40 gil
Soul of the Fire-bird Phoenix Down x25 Bundle of Feathers three 5,980 gil +980 gil
Phoenix Flight Phoenix Down x50 Windslicer Pinion 5 8,750 gil -ane,250gil
Serum Pack * Serum x10 Demon'southward Sigh 1 999 gil -6,001 gil
Phials & Philtres Serum x8, Nu Khai Sand x16 Malboro Flower three i,980 gil -iv,420 gil
Life Crystal* High Arcana Arcana 10 9,999 gil N/A
Feystone 1
Soul of Thamasa ane
Saint's Draught* Elixir x1 Loftier Arcana 1 36,000 gil N/A
Ambrosia 3
Demon Drink 3
Esoteric Draught* Megalixir x1 High Arcana ii 108,000 gil North/A
Onion 3
Rat Tail iii
Jewel of the Serpent* Serpentarius High Arcana 1 19,998 gil N/A
Snake Peel 4
Snake Eye 2
Gem of Creation* Empyreal Soul High Arcana 1 29,997 gil N/A
Soul Powder 1
Wargod's Band 2
Matchless Metal* Gemsteel Scarletite 1 29,997 gil N/A
Damascus Steel ii
Hell-Gate's Flame 2
The Sunflower Tournesol Serpentarius 3 600,000 gil Northward/A
Empyreal Soul 3
Gemsteel iii
Burning Fangs Soleil Fang x5 Pointed Horn 2 980 gil -20 gil
Magick Shards Aquara Mote x4 Festering Mankind 4 1,480 gil +330 gil
Magick Shard* Holy Mote x1 Glass Jewel 8 99 gil -801 gil
Heaven Precious stone 8
Diakon Halcyon i
Magick Shard* Scathe Mote x1 Book of Orgain viii 499 gil -one,801 gil
Book of Orgain-Cent 8
Book of Orgain-Mille eight
Mysterious Substance Nighttime Energy x1 Bat Wing ane 14,999 gil +14,997 gil
Grimoire Aidhed 3
Grimoire Togail iii
Water-drop Munitions H2o Bombs Book of Orgain 3 2,640 gil N/A
Putrid Liquid three
H2o Crystal 10
Befuddling Incendiaries Caldera, Anarchy Bombs Bomb Crush four three,800 gil N/A
Book of Orgain-Cent 3
Fire Crystal vii
Noisome Incendiaries Fumarole, Poisonous substance Bombs Bomb Shell ane 3,280 gil -vi,520 gil
Fire Crystal 3
Oil-Soaked Incendiaries Tumulus, Oil Bombs Bomb Ashes 3 x,625 gil N/A
Book of Orgain ii
Fire Crystal 3
Stone Shot Stone Shot Mirror Calibration 2 ane,480 gil N/A
Tyrant Bone 2
Libra Gem iii
Marksman's Delight Silent Shot, Capella Fish Calibration 2 550 gil -750 gil
Green Liquid 2
Nighttime Stone 3
Rain of Tears Aqua Shot, Vega Yensa Scale 1 800 gil -1400 gil
Green Liquid 3
H2o Rock four
Armor-piercing Shot Windslicer Shot, Spica Ichthon Scale 4 eight,900 gil North/A
Silver Liquid 5
Current of air Crystal vii
Mudslinger Mud Shot, Mithuna Emperor Scale 2 120,000 gil Due north/A
Silver Liquid 3
Earth Crystal eight
Bow & Bodkin Parallel Arrows, Shortbow Bat Fang 1 400 gil -450 gil
Rat Pelt 2
Night Stone 2
Arrows Alight Peppery Arrows, Longbow Crooked Fang ii 2800 gil -2600 gil
Burn Rock 4
Hollow-shaft Arrows Bamboo Arrows, Loxley Bow Bat Fang 5 iii,980 gil 4,720 gil
Yellowish Liquid 1
Water Magicite 3
Arrows of the Moon Goddess Artemis Arrows Swell Serpent'south Fang 2 ane,280 gil N/A
Dorsal Fin 2
Gemini Gem 3
Bow of the Moon Goddess Artemis Bow Solid Horn 5 9,300 gil North/A
Moondust 2
Sylphi Halcyon i
Permafrost Bow & Quiver Icecloud Arrows, Perseus Bow Spiral Incisor iv 17,200 gil N/A
Antarctic Wind 2
Water ice Crystal 7
Silvery Bow Dhanusha Beastlord Horn 3 100,000 gil Northward/A
Moon Ring three
Sagittarius Precious stone 4
Ranger's Crossbow Long Bolts, Crossbow Kleptomaniacal Fang 4 1,080 gil -1,220 gil
Yellowish Liquid 2
Ice Stone 1
Huntsman'due south Crossbow Rock Bolts, Recurve Crossbow Bundle of Needles 1 three,500 gil -3,700 gil
Festering Flesh 2
Ice Magicite five
Scout's Crossbow Time Bolts, Penetrator Crossbow Wyvern Fang 4 half-dozen,400 gil N/A
Ancient Bone iii
Holy Crystal 9
Blindflight Quarrels Blackness Bolts, Hunting Crossbow Screw Incisor 3 eleven,220 gil N/A
Silver Liquid 3
Dark Crystal three
Piercing Bolts Thou Bolts Wrath of the Gods 2 1,680 gil N/A
Ring Wyrm Liver 2
Capricorn Jewel iii
Wooden Pole Cypress Pole Os Fragment five 480 gil -480 gil
Succulent Fruit iii
World Rock 4
Fe-forged Pole Iron Pole Sturdy Bone 5 ii,115 gil -2,115 gil
Demon Eyeball 3
Burn Magicite four
Elegant Pole Ivory Pole Claret-darkened Bone viii seven,980 gil -5,790 gil
Demon Feather 6
Wind Crystal 7
Gilt Shield Buckler Molting 3 250 gil -250 gil
Fire Stone 3
Golden Garb Gold Helm, Gilded Armor, Golden Shield Iron Carapace 3 iii,980 gil -4,020 gil
Tanned Hide 2
Nighttime Magicite 3
Burnished Protectives Burgonet, Shielded Armor, Ice Shield Wyrm Carapace 2 4,850 gil -5,250 gil
Quality Hibernate 2
Earth Magicite 4
Platinum Gear Platinum Helm, Platinum Armor, Platinum Shield Insect Husk 2 9,800 gil -12,750 gil
Tanned Giantskin 5
Tempest Magicite 6
Vivid Shield Venetian Shield Ancient Turtle Shell two seven,500 gil Northward/A
Band Wyrm Liver 2
Undin Halcyon 1
Forbidding Shield Demon Shield Anile Turtle Shell 2 7,800 gil North/A
Destrier Barding 8
Leamonde Halcyon 1
Unassuming Surcoat Chromed Leathers Wolf Pelt 2 100 gil -100 gil
Earth Stone 1
Assorted Leathers Leather Breastplate, Leather Headgear Wolf Pelt 2 300 gil -500 gil
Tanned Hide 1
Nighttime Stone 2
Light Spear Javelin Horn 2 310 gil -190 gil
Foul Flesh 2
Wind Rock 3
Iron-forged Blade Iron Sword Iron Scraps 3 650 gil -600 gil
Foul Flesh 2
Earth Stone 3
Traveler'due south Garb Feathered Cap, Traveler's Vestment Complect Wool 2 ane,890 gil -1,910 gil
Tanned Hide 2
Water Stone v
Matching Reds Carmine Cap, Brigandine Coeurl Pelt 3 2,480 gil -2,520 gil
Quality Hibernate 2
Dark Magicite iii
Called-for Blade Flametongue Lumber ii 2,025 gil -1,975 gil
Malboro Vine ii
Fire Stone six
Alluring Finery Lamia'south Tiara, Enchanter's Addiction Fine Wool 3 3,180 gil -3,220 gil
Tyrant Hide 1
Ice Magicite 4
Monk'southward Garb Headband, Jujitsu Gi Coeurl Pelt iv 3,180 gil -iii,220 gil
Tyrant Hide two
Ice Magicite 4
Lite & Sturdy Garb Adamant Hat, Adamant Vest Coeurl Pelt half-dozen 5,800 gil -vi,000 gil
Tanned Tyrant Hibernate 2
Tempest Magicite 5
Ninja Garb Black Cowl, Black Garb Fine Wool 4 4,800 gil -5,000 gil
Tanned Tyrant Hide ii
Burn Magicite five
Jag-tooth Ninja Sword Kagenui Giant Feather 5 three,800 gil Due north/A
Festering Flesh four
Dark Magicite 5
Emboldening Arms Chakra Band, Ability Vest Quality Pelt 6 7,980 gil -8,220 gil
Tanned Giantskin 4
Burn down Crystal 3
War Axe Francisca Pointed Horn 2 4,680 gil -4,820 gil
Malboro Fruit four
Wind Magicite six
Warped Bract Diamond Sword Parcel of Feathers 6 5,650 gil -4,950 gil
Maggoty Flesh 4
Fire Magicite 6
Forked Spear Trident Pointed Horn 4 six,450 gil -vii,050 gil
Maggoty Mankind 5
Current of air Magicite 6
Gigas Gear Gigas Chapeau, Gigas Chestplate Prime Pelt viii 17,800 gil 3,600 gil
Prime Tanned Hide 7
Dark Crystal seven
Mystic Staff Cloud Staff Quality Lumber 4 3,600 gil Northward/A
Demon Feather 6
Storm Crystal seven
Black Vestments Black Mask, Blackness Robes Blood Wool ix 12,800 gil N/A
Prime Tanned Hide 7
Night Crystal 8
White Vestments White Mask, White Robes Blood Wool nine 12,800 gil N/A
Beastlord Hide 7
Holy Crystal eight
Nature's Armory Crown of Laurels, Rubber Arrange Prime Pelt 9 13,800 gil N/A
Forbidden Flesh vii
Fire Crystal viii
Sturdy Boxing Gear Maximillian Charger Barding 4 8,000 gil Northward/A
Split Armor 2
Pisces Jewel three
Magepower Captain Magepower Shishak Charger Barding 5 7,500 gil N/A
Chimera Caput 2
Feystone one
Samurai's Katana Ame-no-Murakumo Iron Ore 5 eight,400 gil -3,200 gil
Screamroot vii
H2o Crystal 9
Double-bladed Knife Zwill Crossblade Windslicer Pinion v 7,500 gil North/A
Malboro Flower vii
Air current Crystal ix
The Leering Blade Deathbringer Cleaved Sword 3 8,800 gil -4,900 gil
Demon Tail 7
Nighttime Crystal 10
Adulterate Greatsword Salve the Queen Quality Rock 4 9,200 gil -six,800 gil
Heaven Jewel vii
Holy Crystal 10
Devastating Incendiaries Castellanos Flop Fragment iii 12,000 gil Due north/A
Frog Oil two
Aries Gem 3
Darksteel Blade Stoneblade Orichalcum ii 17,800 gil N/A
Chimera Head 2
Taurus Gem 3
Belatedly-model Rifle Arcturus Wyvern Wing ii 8,000 gil North/A
Yensa Fin 2
Salamand Halcyon ane
Ultimate Bract Ultima Blade Adamantite ii 12,800 gil N/A
Decease Powder 2
Gnoma Halcyon 1
Engraved Spear Gungnir Ketu Board two ix,025 gil Due north/A
Cleaved Spear 2
Mystletainn 2
Golden Boxing Axe Golden Axe Electrum 2 10,000 gil North/A
Broken Greataxe 2
Mardu Halcyon 1
Crimson Blade Karkata Solid Stone ii 4,444 gil N/A
Vampyr Fang three
Dark Crystal fifteen
Whisker of the Beast Kanya Mythril 3 60,000 gil Due north/A
Corpse Wing 3
Aquarius Jewel 4
Dragon Crest Wyrmhero Blade Omega Bluecoat one 65,535 gil N/A
Godslayer's Badge 1
Lu Shang's Bluecoat 1
The Scorpion Vrscika Charged Gizzard three seventy,000 gil N/A
Wyrm Bone 3
Scorpio Gem four
Well-forged Blade Simha Lifewick 3 80,000 gil N/A
Ring Wyrm Scale 4
Leshach Halcyon 1
Ophidian Blade Mesa Coeurl Whisker 2 xc,000 gil Due north/A
Sickle-Bract 2
Cancer Jewel 3
Master-crafted Blade Kumbha Gemsteel two 350,000 gil N/A
Orichalcum 3
Mallet 2
Ninja Footgear Gillie Boots Slaven Harness 2 400 gil Due north/A
Brawler's Fetish Bister Armlet Gimble Stalk 2 iii,000 gil N/A
Chroma of Calorie-free Firefly Magick Lamp 1 1,200 gil -400 gil
Tomato Stalk 2
Snowfly 1
Shoes of the Dead Quasimodo Boots Zombie Pulverization 1 450 gil Northward/A
Destrier Mane 1
Back Harness Battle Harness Pharynx Wolf Blood ane 600 gil -400 gil
Large Gloves Blazer Gloves Aptitude Staff three ii,000 gil -1,000 gil
Wing Cord Pheasant Netsuke Stardust 2 ii,000 gil N/A
Gilt Phylactery Golden Amulet Tattered Garment 1 iii,000 gil N/A
Feathered Boots Winged Boots Arctic Wind 1 300 gil -200 gil
Vanquish-worked Collar Turtleshell Choker Bomb Shell 2 six,000 gil N/A
Four-leaf Clover 2
Exquisite Ring Opal Ring Frogspawn ii vii,800 gil North/A
Wind Walkers Hermes Sandals Gysahl Greens 33 eighteen,000 gil Due north/A
Arcana 15
Chain-link Chugalug Bubble Belt Battlewyrm Carapace ii 17,820 gil N/A
Adamantite one
Comfy Headgear Cat-ear Hood White Incense ii 25,000 gil -25,000 gil
Einherjarium ii
Virgo Gem 7
Cursed Necklace Nihopalaoa Blood-stained Necklace iii 28,000 gil North/A
Decease'south-Head ii
Leo Jewel 3
Morbid Urn Canopic Jar Horakhty's Flame 1 250,000 gil N/A
Phobos Glaze ane
Deimos Clay 1

Monographs [ ]

The Monographs are special items in the bazaar, which brand monsters sometimes driblet rarer sorts of loot. Non gotten past selling different kinds of loot, they are acquired by fulfilling certain weather. Once these weather have been met, they will appear in the bazaar like normal, under the name Forgotten Grimoire.

Some monsters' new drops, such equally the Throat Wolf Claret that Worgens drop with the hunter's monograph, are rare and expensive, merely many monsters will besides drop nearly worthless Pebbles.

Item Genus Requirements Price
Hunter's Monograph Beasts and Avions Complete the Thextera Hunt, and so speak to the merchant Gatsly at Muthru Bazaar. eighteen,000 gil
Possession of this text enables the acquisition of superior boodle from beasts and avions.
Knight's Monograph Giants and Insects Talk to the owner of a weapons shop 30 times. 19,000 gil
Possession of this text enables the conquering of superior loot from giants and insects.
Mage's Monograph Fiends, including Ichthians Talk to the owner of a magick store 25 times. 21,000 gil
Possession of this text enables the acquisition of superior loot from fiends.
Dragoon's Monograph Dragons and Plants Check the Hunt lath twoscore times. 22,000 gil
Possession of this text enables the acquisition of superior loot from dragons and plants.
Sage's Monograph Elementals Talk to the owner of any store 100 times. 25,000 gil
Possession of this text enables the acquisition of superior loot from elementals.
Warmage's Monograph Amorphs and Undead Check the Hunt board 20 times. twenty,000 gil
Possession of this text enables the acquisition of superior boodle from amorphs and undead.
Scholar's Monograph Constructs Talk to the owner of an armor shop 15 times. 22,000 gil
Possession of this text enables the acquisition of superior loot from constructs.

See also [ ]

  • Loot


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